Published Parameter

Published Parameters for map.apps ETL specific input methods

In map.apps ETL, the different input methods require workspaces that are configured with certain Published Parameters:

Input method Published Parameter Usage

File Upload


The parameter provides the path to all uploaded files, which can be used to read data within the workspace (e.g. FeatureReader, Reader).

Map extent selection


The parameter provides a bounding box / line / point / polygon as a EsriJSON String, which is usually used as a clipping geometry.

Use a GeometryReplacer to create a FME Geometry from the string.

Features from the map


The parameter provides the path to a file containing EsriJSON features from the map. The features can be read using a EsriJSON Reader.

Feature selected via search


The parameter provides a path to a file containing EsriJSON like mapapps_etl_features but with a feature selected through search.

Additional map.apps ETL parameters

The following parameters are optionally and will be filled automatically if existing:

Published Parameter Usage Requirement


If used, the chosen FME process will be executed asynchronously. Possible results will be sent to the user via email.

Is only used if you fill it in the parameter dialog or by choosing Use the email address of the currently logged in map.apps user for asynchronous processes.

FME Server Notifications have to be configured.


Provides the names of selected feature types of the uploaded files.

Is used in the File Upload if an analyze workspace is configured. The result of the analyze workspace allows a deselection of feature types to process.


Provides the name of the map.apps user

Transfer the currently logged in map.apps user needs to be activated.


Provides the currently used EPSG code of the map.

Generic Published Parameters

The following Published Parameter types can be mapped automatically in the map.apps ETL tool dialogs and can be used for to get information from users:

  • Text

  • Integer

  • Float

  • Choice

  • Choice (Multiple)

  • Choice or Text

  • Choice with Alias

  • Choice with Alias (Multiple)

  • Slider

  • Color Picker

  • Password

  • Date

  • Geometry

Geometry Parameter:

The Published Parameter type Geometry is available since FME 2020. The different geometry types (point, line, area) are available as map.apps ETL Parameters and allow users to draw the desired geometry on the map. Attention: Geometry Published Parameters will provide a GeoJSON (not EsriJsON!) String.