
The security.manager Generic URL Protection is a default functionality of security.manager that doesn’t require any additional installations. However, it shouldn’t be used if you want to protect more than one FME Server URL or if you want to upload larger files to FME Server.

Using the url protection of security.manager it is possible to use a technical FME Server account to call FME Server URLs.

Original documentation: security.manager Protected Services

Necessary steps:

  • Login to security.manager

  • Protected Services → Create

    • Use the FME Server base url (without /fmeserver) as Service URL to protect

    • Choose the authentication method (sso for authenticated users in map.apps)

    • Enter username and password for the HTTP basic authentication

      • This accounts needs access to all repositories that should be accessed in map.apps ETL

  • Create a policy set for this service

    • Define the necessary roles that should have access to this FME Server

    • Specify FME sub URLs: fme*/**

  • Use the sso URL in your map.apps ETL