Configuration via app.json
The example configuration shows all app.json parameters.
"mapapps_etl": {
"MapappsETLTools": [
"fmeServerConfig": {
"fmeServerUrl": "https://<FME Server URL>",
"workspaceName": "<Workspace Name>.fmw",
"repositoryName": "<Repository Name>",
// deactivate to use the URL without the map.apps proxy. Required if the FME Server is called directly or via security.manager
"useProxy": true,
// true if uploads should be sent to a validation Workspace before continuing with the main process
"useAnalyzeWorkspace": false,
// analyzeWorkspace and hiddenAnalyzeColumns are only required if useAnalyzeWorkspace is set to true.
// Has to be a Workspace in the same Repository as the main Workspace.
"analyzeWorkspace": "<Analyze Workspace Name>.fmw",
// Hide columns of the analysis for output in the result table, i.e. "coordinate_system", "format_long", "attributes", "geometry_types"
"hiddenAnalyzeColumns": ["format_long"]
"fmeTool": {
// can be an empty array or any of the given values. The parameter window is always shown if the parameters aren't hidden (see fmeParameterOpts.hiddenParameters)
"inputs": [
"upload", "extent", "mapfeatures"
// in comparison to the inputs, only one output is allowed. Can be "map", "status" or "download"
"output": "map",
// specifiy width and height in pixels of the tool.
"marginBox": {"w": 550, "h": 500, }
"fmeParameterOpts": {
// list of FME Published Parameters. If all parameters of the Workspace are selected, the parameter dialog will be hidden.
"hiddenParameters": [],
"mapappsParameters": {
// only required if the input methods is set to "extent". Can be "rectangle", "polygon", "polyline", "line" or "point"
"extentType": "rectangle",
// only required if the input method is set to "mapfeatures". Can be "rectangle" or "polygon"
"mapSelectionExtentType": "rectangle",
// only required if the input method is set to "upload" and analyze is configured. If false, feature types are collapsed/hidden initially.
"showFeatureTypes": true,
// optional for input method "upload". Allowed file extensions can specified as a comma separated list. If missing, all files will be allowed.
"allowedFileExtensions": ".kml,.dwg",
// optional: for input method "upload". Maximum file size in Mb.
"maxUploadSize": "10",
// optional: for output methods "status" and "download". The parameter opt_requestermail will be set to mandatory
"emailIsMandatory": false,
// optional: maximum number of features per layer allowed while drawing the result on the map. All excess features will be omitted
"maxFeaturesPerLayer": 10000,
// otpional: group layer name (visible in toc), defaults to "ETL"
"groupLayerName": "Data Upload",
// optional: popup type
"popupType": "default"
// optional: the user has to accept the terms of use before starting the Workspace
"acceptTermsOfUse": false,
// IDs of layers that should not be shown in the "Download features from map" dialog
"mapFeaturesHiddenLayers": [
"title": "Tool Title",
"tooltip": "Tooltip",
"iconClass": "icon-upload",
// tool id used to configure tool in the toolsets
"id": "mapapps_tool_id",
// optional: specify i18n values for each tool individually if necessary.
"i18n": {
"en": {
"title": "Title - EN",
"uploadExplanation": "Upload Explanation - EN",
"uploadExplanationFooter": "Footer -EN",
"extentExplanation": "Choose your area of interest on the map.",
"mapFeaturesExplanation": "Choose layers from which vector graphics should be chosen. Then select elements on the map.",
"furtherInformation": "Further information",
// Error messages can be created from within the FME Workspace. Append your i18n strings here for custom error messages.
"transformationErrors": {
"NO_FEATURE_WRITTEN": "The process didn't result in any outputs.",
"FILE_COULD_NOT_BE_READ": "The file ${0} could not be read.",
"TOO_MANY_FEATURES": "The maximum number of features for one layer was reached ${0}. Some features were omitted."
"de": {
"title": "Title - DE",
"uploadExplanation": "Upload Erklärung - DE",
"uploadExplanationFooter": "Footer - DE"